*Create your own personalised version of the Discovery portal by 'Signing Up'. This allows you to bookmark your favourite resources, save searches , set Contents alerts for your favourite journals and request books and articles .
(I) Save the Library Discovery Portal Home as a favourite on your mobile phone or tablet to access all of the library resources anywhere, anytime
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Create Tables of Contents alerts and predefined Search Updates on your own READ QxMd mobile app
Read by QxMd
You can now download a great new app for accessing our full text online journal collection via phone and tablet. Register an account to access our full collection, save and share articles and make document requests directly from your phone. Download the app. Read app home screen (once you’ve created your personal login), select the cog option in the top right hand corner. Select the first option on the list – institutional access. Search for Counties Manukau Health and select it. Choose manual login and use your ezyproxy user name (Employee staff number) and password (first name) to access full text articles via your phone or tablet.
You can set Tables of Contents alerts for your favourite journals, automate new articles updates on predefined keyword searches that will be both sent to your email account and be available to you directly from the app. Links directly to the full text of articles in our collection anytime anywhere via your mobile device.
UptoDate - What's New
The UptoDate editors select a small number of the most important updates and share them with you via 'What's new'
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Browse the latest new and updated systematic reviews by topic
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
Latest Quality Guidance and Advice Updates
Medscape eMedicine
Medscape offers specialists, primary care physicians, and other health professionals robust and integrated medical information and educational tools. After a simple, 1-time, free registration, Medscape from WebMD automatically delivers to you a personalized specialty site that best fits your registration profile.
Some of the key features of Medscape from WebMD are:
- Original, professional medical content, including review articles, journal commentary, expert columns, patient education articles, book reviews, and more;
- Conference Coverage: Thought leaders summarize key data and presentations from major medical meetings;
- The Internet's first primary-source medical journal, The Medscape from WebMD Journal of Medicine;
- Selected daily professional medical news in your specialty from Reuters, Medscape Medical News, and medical news journal publishers;
- Physician Optimized MEDLINE;
- Free subscription to Medscape's MedPulse, a weekly email newsletter that highlights what's new in your specialty on Medscape from WebMD
see also the MedScape free App
Evidence Alerts
BMJ Group and McMaster University's Health Information Research Unit are collaborating to provide you with access to current best evidence from research, tailored to your own health care interests, to support evidence-based clinical decisions.
Research Review publications bring the best of 10,000 global medical journals to your inbox every issue with commentary from New Zealand experts. Over 40 areas including Cardiology, Diabetes, Oncology, General Practice and Psychiatry. Specialist opinions on guidelines, medicines and conferences. All Research Review publications are free to receive.
Create a personalised registration with the following databases so that you can download apps, save content and print out edited materials.
* Create a personal registration on UpToDate and then download the UpToDate mobile app for 24/7 mobile access from your phone or tablet. Click 'register' on top right of the UpToDate welcome screen* then follow instructions on the email you receive from UpToDate after you have completed your personal registration.
Once you have created your own personalised login on UpToDate you will also be able to 'Bookmark' UpToDate topics you wish to revisit, view a history of content you have previously accessed, and keep track of updates to topics you view most frequently. These features sync across all devices you use to access UpToDate – so your personalized experience is available anytime, anywhere.
To maintain your access to UpToDate you will need to confirm your affiliation with Counties Manukau Health every 90 days. To do this simply login to UpToDate from within the Counties Manukau Health network on Paanui.
see also
UpToDate Patient Information
UpToDate offers different levels of patient education materials to meet varying information needs. "The Basics" are short (1 to 3 page) articles written in plain language. They answer the 4 or 5 most important questions a person might have about a medical problem. These articles are best for people who want a general overview. "Beyond the Basics" articles are 5 to 10 pages long and more detailed than "The Basics". These articles are best for readers who want a lot of detailed information and who are comfortable with some technical medical terms.
2,000 practice guidelines, 15,000 patient education handouts, 13,000 medical and surgical videos, and 5 million images.
You can browse the ClinicalKey ebooks collection by subject / specialty
You can browse the ClinicalKey journals collection by subject / specialty
Use the Library eResources search engine on the discovery portal to locate journals or ebooks of particular interest and 'bookmark' them so that we will be permanently be available as shortcut links on your personalised Library Discovery portal
*Once registered staff with Iphones and Ipads can also download the ClinicalKey app. This provides mobile and remote access to Clinicalkey's point of care resource. Click here to register.
see also
ClinicalKey Patient Education
Patient printouts can be produced in a number of different languages including Mandarin, Vietnamese, Korean and Arabic . Additional notes can be added by the clinician before printing.
You van take the Access library with you wherever you go—easy access to books, videos, images, podcasts, personalized features, and more. Download the Access App here: iOS and Android
Save your settings on Google Scholar to link to full text articles from our collection
Locate full text articles via Google Scholar - *Click on the link to 'FullText@CMHealthLibrary' . If the link to CMHealth does not appear go to 'Settings' click on library links and enter 'Counties Manukau' into the search box and select.
Selected Newsletters , bulletins and reviews to subscribe to: Counties Manukau Health Library's 'Health in the news - weekly update' Grey Matter - Ministry of Health reports roundup. Health Improvement and Innovation Digest - Research Review [NZ] Health Quality & Safety Commission e-update On the Radar (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care)
Advisory Board alerts and newsletter Free registration for CM Health staff to access a global collection of resources to improve our practice. Resources include : Research and insights; Tools and Analytics; Webconferences - live and archived.
*Click on the 'Log in now' tab to register and subscribe to email updates from the Advisory Board Company. Click on 'Manage your subscriptions'
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